Thursday 8 March 2012

Mind block

Got a million things on my mind atm and having abit of a creative, motivation panic brain block. So last night after several attempts at trying to think of some jobs, I gave up and watched some Jonathan Creek with the housemates. This is the doodle from the Christmas special episode (apologies for the rubbish scanning)

After work today I went and had a look at the Children's Book Ma exhibition at the Ruskin Gallery. Nothing is more motivating/heart breaking than seeing other peoples really really good work..

It didn't disappoint, there was some inspiring stuff. 
These are 3 that I particularly liked from the show

Becky Palmer
Narisa Togo
Joanne Young

So! Ive decided I'm going to make an image every 3 days.
Choose a random editorial article to illustrate and just go for it. I haven't got any editorial work up online so its about time. If I write about doing it on here, hopefully the embarrassment if it doesn't get done will motivate me :S
Wish me luck blogland!